The Hockey Garage

Michigan’s Premier Off-Ice Player Development Facility

 Work on your game with our technicians.

Since 2019. Our 4,800 sq ft facility is located off Freedom Drive in Ann Arbor, MI, and features two large off-ice synthetic shooting zones with multiple nets designed to recreate the most dangerous scoring areas in the rink by only using your stick, gloves, and sneakers.

Our facility also features multiple off-ice stickhandling areas specifically designed to challenge your puck skills, puck protection, read and reaction, hand-eye coordination, multi-tasking, balance, agility, range, and quickness.

Train like a PRO. We are now offering the most innovative ice hockey training tool. Sense Arena. A new standard in hockey training. Improve your cognitive skills in (VR) Virtual Reality. Used by several NHL Teams, D1 College programs, OHL, WHL, QMJHL and the US National Team Development Program. Develop better hockey sense and improve your mental skill set.

Improve your athleticism on our large AstroTurf area or develop your skating mechanics on one of our custom Hockey Intelligence slideboards.





Introduction to Better Shooting Mechanics

Overview: Learn techniques to add more power to your shot, develop a quicker release, and unlock the secrets to score more goals.

  • Session 1: Shot Strength. Complete breakdown of your wrist shot mechanics and weight shift.

  • Session 2: Quick Release (Catch & shoot).

  • Session 3: Changing Angles / Shot Camouflage & Deception.

This is a great program to start with before moving on to one of the more advanced programs. 



The Art of Shooting

Overview: This program develops your shooting blueprint. We recommend this program if you are new to The Hockey Garage. This program breaks down the technical aspects of each shot with video analysis. We help you understand the proper terminology and technical aspects of each shot; Wrist, Snap, Slap, One-timer, Backhander & Hybrid.



Offensive Tactics for Scoring

Overview:  This program is not for beginners. Developing your scoring habits in the offensive zone for forwards; Quick release, under-handle, creating space, catch backhand/shoot forehand, net drive, attacking, high & low attacks, shots in motion, net walkouts, wraparounds, deception/fake shots, give & go, pull / push shots, change shooting angle, one timers, rebounds, tips, deflections and redirects, etc…



The Art of Shooting & Stickhandling

Overview: This program combines two of our most popular programs (The Art of Shooting & Strictly Stickhandling). A condensed version of both programs. Develop your wrist, snap & slap shot, plus increase your confidence in handling the puck. This is only offered in 6 packs & 8 packs.



Developing Skilled Defensemen

Overview: This program is not for beginners. Develop your skills while learning offensive tactics & concepts for the modern defenseman; shot techniques & mechanics, passing skills, stickhandling skills, body and stick fakes, escaping, supporting the puck, walking the blue line, deception, creating space, using your partner, finding shooting lanes, finding sticks, getting shots through, developing split vision, etc…



DRIBLADES, Skating Techniques & Explosiveness

Overview: Welcome to DRIBLADES. The revolutionary way of training your skating mechanics off ice. Train like you play. Hockey specific - hockey focused. Develop better skating techniques, a stronger lower body, single leg stability, a deeper knee bend, longer leg extension, better body mechanics and coordination. Challenge your athleticism with various drills that target hockey specific movements, dryland explosiveness, quickness, balance, mobility, and agility. What are Driblades?



Strictly Stickhandling

Overview: Build confidence & strength on the puck; cognitive read/reaction, hand-eye coordination, multi-tasking, balance, agility, range, quickness, under handling skills, change of pace, stick fakes, body fakes & dekes, deception, puck protection, in-tight movement, attacking, etc…



Little Scorers

Overview: This program is for players NEW to the sport of hockey. We focus on the core FUNdamentals of the game: shooting, passing and stickhandling. Lessons are 1-on-1 with one of our highly trained staff members. Available in 4-packs and 6-packs.




 Our development process focuses on
technical skill development for every individual.

  • We will create your player profile.

  • Isolate a specific skill.

  • Specialize in individual 1v1 or semi-private instruction.

  • Video analysis of your shot inventory.

  • Target proper techniques with deliberate practice by a series of movements.

  • Teach smarter shot selection / Build stick strength and confidence with the puck.

  • Encourage feedback.

  • Allow time to figure out and explore each skill.

  • More puck touches / 200-300 shots per hour.

  • Apply game adaptation.

  • Instill tactics & concepts that inspire us by USA Hockey, Hockey Canada, Swedish Hockey Assoc, Finnish Hockey Assoc, Russian Federation, etc.


You will develop the inner blueprint to master the skill.

The science behind our programs is professionally-aggregated data used by teams at the highest level.


What Are The Best Shots for Scoring?


If you want to be a better scorer, you study the science of scoring. In a recent article by the OMHA, they tracked all the goals scored in the NHL last season outlining what types of shots were used in which specific areas of the ice (Wrist, Snap, Slap, Backhand and Tip-in).

You can clearly see shots from 10-20 ft are the most successful (as 34% of the goals scored in the NHL last season came from this distance on the ice) with wrist shots being the most lethal. This was followed by 21% of the goals scored from goal-10 ft and surprisingly close at 3rd with 18% of the goals scored from 20-30 ft.

+ See The Data

Goal – 10 ft – 21% of the goals are scored from this distance

  • 47% - Wrist
  • 17.4% - Backhand
  • 16.9% - Tip-in

10 ft – 20 ft – 34% of the goals are scored from this distance

  • 53% - Wrist
  • 14.4% - Backhand
  • 13.4% - Tip-in

20 ft – 30 ft – 18% of the goals are scored from this distance

  • 55% - Wrist
  • 23.3% - Snap
  • 10.2% - Slap shot

30 ft – 40 ft – 11% of the goals are scored from this distance

  • 48.4% - Wrist
  • 26% - Snap
  • 22.4% - Slap Shot

40 ft – 50 ft – 7% of the goals are scored from this distance

  • 43% - Slap Shot
  • 37% - Wrist
  • 18% - Snap

50 ft – 60 ft – 5% of the goals are scored from this distance

  • 59% - Slap Shot
  • 27% - Wrist
  • 11% - Snap

See the original article here.


What’s our secret??? Easy, deliberate practice.

Puck touches and repetition are essential. “How good are you at getting better?” This is an important question when developing your skill. Deliberate practice needs to be purposeful & systematic. Deliberate practice demands you drop everything else and drill the weakness until it reaches a certain level. Imagining and practicing movements without pucks first helps you develop an inner blueprint; slow precise movement where technique is most important – slow down in order to speed up.

We want our players to be detail oriented, become problem solvers. None of our concepts are mindless activities, we will challenge you outside of your comfort zone.  



Sign up today, start improving tomorrow.