Frequently Asked Questions
Additional information for players and parents.
Frequently Asked Questions on TTC Development:
+ How does Hockey Intelligence split up the players?
- We separate players by age and skill level. We want to put our players in situations where they’ll become successful and build confidence.
+ How many coaches are generally on ice teaching?
- We will have between 6-8 instructors on ice during the Monday Summer sessions. Many include current and former players as well as junior instructors who are learning to coach.
+ Is there goaltending instruction?
- Yes, we will have professional goalie instruction. Our goalie to coach ratio is 6:1. We integrate our goalies into a ton of our drills but also allow time for them to work on their techniques and fundamentals.
Frequently Asked Questions on the DSC 3v3 League:
+ Are there special rules?
- Yes. The goal of the Dangle, Snipe, and Celly 3v3 is to have as much continuous play as possible with as little rules and stoppage play as reasonably possible. We want our players to enjoy the experience and have fun. Please be sure to check out the details on the DSC Leagues page before registering.
+ Are there coaches on the bench?
- No coaches. Both benches will have two volunteers to help with doors and encourage sportsmanship and fair play. We want to players to develop leadership skills amongst their peers.
+ Are there referees?
- No referees. A DSC official will be on site. Volunteers will be on each bench to help with the doors and encourage sportsmanship and fair play. We encourage you to read our DSC 3v3 Rules for further information.
+ Are team jerseys provided?
- Yes. Each player will be provided a custom team jersey to keep.
+ Will the goalies be used?
- Yes. Each team is required to have 1 goalie.
+ What is the format for each game?
- Each 3v3 game is two 45 minutes halves running time for all levels, with a short break in between.
+ Is there offsides or icing?
- No. With a cross-ice playing surface and 3v3 teams, there will be no offsides nor icing.
+ Is this a "no-check" league?
- Yes. However, unintentional contact will happen but not encouraged.
+ What division should my child play in?
- There are three divisions that are age specific. Please view the requirements on the DSC Leagues page before registering your child. We are enforcing this rule to make sure the league is very competitive at all levels. Dangle Division (2nd yr Mite & 1st yr Squirt) – Snipe Division (2nd yr Squirt & 1st yr Peewee) – Celly (2nd yr Peewee & 1st yr Bantam). These ages are based on your level for next season. Each division will consist of two teams. Teams will be adjusted to stay balanced and competitive.
+ How many players are there per team?
- DSC teams will roster a maximum of 8-9 skaters plus 1 goalie.
+ How long are the shifts?
- All Divisions will use 1-minute buzzers to change. This encourages lots of shifts, changing on the fly.
More questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!